Monday, February 25, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Ipod Touch Magic!!!
While I was browsing the net for some useful apps for my ipot, I found this thing called Ibeer. This is just one of many products by and it really is quite fun to use!!!
Basically you sync it to your ipod via itunes then your good to go! My wife really liked it because she said that it really looked cool especially if you acted along with it.Well to fully appreciate it I suggest that you take a look at it in youtube or better yet just buy it from
But if you are looking for a free download then I suggest that you use google or torrentz to find the file, and maybe if you are lucky you can locate one with some seeds.
Well, happy hunting and I hope that you enjoy this little magic trick that I shared with you today.
Posted by
Vincer Vigilia
4:13 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
Ipod Touch
I just Bought an Ipod Touch last December and I must say that i am really enjoying every minute of playing with it!!! at first I said that i'll just wait for the Iphone but due to my impatience I bought the itouch. After awhile I kinda got bored because it played music and videos as well as browsed the internet but I still wasn't happy or content with it being just that.
Last week I finally decided to jailbreak my itouch and I must say that it was one of the boldest move that I have ever made!! I mean it really scared the pants off of me when my new itouch didn't boot! man was I scared, but due to some trial and error I finally learned how to fix the problem and now I am enjoying the benefits of having a jailbroken itouch.
I highly recommend the itouch to those people who are having second thoughts about buying the iphone and throwing away your precious phone that you recently bought.
Posted by
Vincer Vigilia
8:17 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Free money?
I just came across a new marketing campaign that Michael Badger has put together, and I have to say it is one of the most innovative campaigns I have seen in a very long time. I have a feeling that this thing is going to take off and turn into a huge viral explosion - one that we will all remember for a long time!
What works about it is that there is a very compelling hook - he is offering to GIVE you a free monthly income with no buying, selling or recruiting. At first I thought that it was just another hyped up website, but after I read only a few lines of the copy on the main page, I realized that this one might actually be different.
Michael very quickly gets into the nuts and bolts of exactly how he is going to accomplish the task of giving so many people a monthly income. It is basically a profit sharing model. He is going to be launching a new membership site offering small business owners and marketers a service in a few months. It is from that service that he will allocate funds to be divided among a pool of people. All you have to do to be part of the pool is sign up now to receive his newsletter and announcements about the upcoming service.
And that's it - you just sign up and you will receive part of his profits.
It's a pretty cool idea really. In essence what he has done is taken the portion of his budget that would have gone into advertising and put it into getting the word out about his service in a big way.
It's an interesting campaign that you may as well sign up for - it's free after all. Or, just take a look for the innovative marketing idea Michael has put together.
Posted by
Vincer Vigilia
8:30 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
IPHONE is it for me?
Today I will be moving away from my usual topic about HYIP,Autosurf or other money making opportunities, Because today I will be talking about the IPHONE. Here in the Philippines, having an IPHONE is like winning the lottery, because finding one that is already unlocked is quite a difficult task and it requires patience.
Over the past few weeks I have read that a number of Filipinos have been successful in unlocking the IPHONE and are already enjoying its many functions.But for non-techies this is kinda hard considering that in one procedure you actually have to open the cover of the IPHONE and tinker with its hardware.Ouch! imagine if you manage to break it! goodbye to your $400.
Bottom line is that if you are confident about your skills, and if you have some extra money to spare, then I suggest that you grab yourself one because you will never regret it.If you manage to unlock it correctly anyway.
Posted by
Vincer Vigilia
4:05 PM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Autosurf, what's the real deal?
I've been surfing the net quite a lot these past few days, and like everyone I was really skeptical when it comes to the AUTOSURF Program.At first I surfed and surfed for reviews about these autosurf programs and a lot of those reviews consisted of negative articles.
I'm writing this post right now as a response to a comment by a fellow blogger who like me is skeptical and searching for facts about these programs.As far as I know, and I've actually experienced this, these sites really pay if you manage to chose the right ones.
I've only joined 2 because they pay instantly after surfing and so far I have yet to find other programs that do the same.When it comes to spyware and viruses, well just install zone alarm and you will have an additional protection against those viruses that can harm your pc.But, if you have other software that can help block those malicious programs then by all means please use them.
There is no guarantee when it comes to these programs, but the good thing is that you can just invest $1 to try it out and $1 is really not that big a loss.Try it out, maybe this is your ticket to earning a few dollars while surfing the net.
Posted by
Vincer Vigilia
3:51 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I thought that I'll never earn from the net! but I was so wrong because i just received payment from 2 of the autosurf programs that I joined.Is was an exciting experience because after investing I didn't really have an idea if I will be paid or if my money will just go to waste.
I guess i made the right choice when I chose to join these programs because they really fulfilled their part of the program and what's best is that they pay instantly and the support is awesome!
I suggest that you try it out because it looks really good and fun!
Posted by
Vincer Vigilia
9:16 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
HYIP is Risk plus Strategy equals Success
I've read a lot of posts from different forums about people earning a lot from HYIP's and I must admit that this made me really curious.A few days ago I joined a few and as of today I'm still waiting to see if the ones that I joined are just a SCAM or the real deal.
In the HYIP world nothing is certain and we can either earn or lose all of our hard earned cash. In the offline world when you establish a business you are also preparing yourself for a possible loss, we can never know the outcome of our every undertaking so it is kinda like gambling at a casino where you bet your cash and hope for the best.
Strategy is the most important thing when entering HYIP. You must know when to withdraw all of your cash and when or if you want to reinvest it.
Here are some sites that I found to be interesting and they only need $1 of investment!
Try it out and maybe you'll like it.
Posted by
Vincer Vigilia
3:56 PM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
New Investment Opportunity!
I was surfing the net a few days ago when I found from a forum a link to a webpage that features an investment program that looks promising.
Here is what the program promises.
We are more than just your average GET PAID site
We pay our members based on their participation within our program
Our system is designed to out last every GET PAID program out there
With DarkHalzen there is no chance of program failure or pay problems
Take a couple seconds to read more and you will find out why
Most of the sites online pay back based on a set percentage
Your pay rate at DarkHalzen is based on your participation
This system stops the hit and runners and ensures a long life
No matter how much you purchase you get paid back 160% guaranteed
Its up to you how quick you make your profits everyday
You can choose your pay level and bonus pay
We pay from 2% to non participating members up to 16% for active users
Our pay system is easy and the most stable online
If you decide not to repurchase your knight level drops
1 day for Dark High Knights
5 days for High Knights
10 days for Knights
Low knights get 2% until the 160% of your level gets paid
You can decide to repurchase 50% to become a High Knight again at anytime
Also can only repurchase 25% and become a Knight at anytime
Then the level drops start all over again from your full membership level
Instant Referral Pay on 3 levels down
1st level - 5%
2nd level - 2%
3rd level - 1%
All of our payouts are paid instantly upon surfing 5 sites everyday
Dark High Knights and High Knight get paid a bonus everyday based on our TIL (Total Income Level)
This is a bonus for participating members who want to earn the most everyday
The TIL is determined from DarkHalzen's profit level for the last 7 days to ensure the pay is fair
The bonus cash is paid instantly without request at the close of everyday
You can also earn more by sending new members into your downline
We pay on 3 levels: 5% - 2% - 1% Referral cash is paid instantly when they make purchases
I joined this site and am now waiting to earn.I mean $1 of investment isn't too bad considering that it is just a trial for me at first and if this goes well then i'll upgrade my status by putting some more money. Who knows, maybe I can earn a lot from this program.
If this also looks good to you then I suggest that you try it out also and join me at DARKHALZEN and be 1 step closer to financial freedom.
Posted by
Vincer Vigilia
9:48 PM
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wjob Traffic Exchange - Autosurf and get PAID!
I was surfing this morning and I saw this post in a forum about a site that pays you for autosurf. Here is a short description of their program.
# A free autosurf service
# 3 Level referal program
# Free traffic exchange
# Payouts in cash to egold
# USD 5 for 50000 credits
# Credits Earned 0.9 for each website visited for 15 secandes
# 0.20 0.10 or 0.05 for each hit generated by referals
# an aditional 0.2 per hit for each website added
in 10 days you can get 5$ easy!!!
I'm now trying this out and I have great expectations from this program.If you have some free time on your hands and want to earn while surfing, then you can join me at
Posted by
Vincer Vigilia
5:42 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Franchising, is it for you?
We've all eaten at Mc donalds at one point in our lives and don't you just wish that you can have the same success? Well, you can! All that you need is hard work, perseverance & a good product. I found an article while surfing the net the other day and I just thought that I should share It with you.
The following is an article from Franchise Solutions
"The first thing a potential franchisee needs to know about is the UFOC (Uniform Franchise Circular Offering). The UFOC, by law, is a document that a franchisor or franchise broker must present to the person who is seriously considering buying a franchise. It contains extensive information about the franchise being considered. Additionally, you must be provided with completed contracts covering all material points at least five days prior to the actual execution of the documents. This time gives you the opportunity to review contracts with a lawyer and provides a cooling off period to ensure your final decision is not only emotional, but rational as well.
Everyone wants to know how much money they will earn before they actually buy a franchise. Legally, a company must decide whether or not they want to estimate the amount of money a franchisee will make. If they choose to make an estimate, they must have documented proof that most of their franchised locations are that successful. Most franchisors will not make earnings claims to prospective franchisees, but you can find out if the company you are interested in has an earnings claim by looking at their UFOC. Earnings claims will always be Item 19 in any UFOC.
If, however, a franchisor states that you will "earn a lot", without any proof or an actual monetary amount, they are puffing. Puffing is legal, but not necessarily ethical. If, on the other hand, a franchisor gives you a set amount that you will earn or even states that you will earn six-figures, without any proof, this is not only unethical but illegal."
Franchising is really a good option specially for people who have no time to spare but wants to earn some good honest cash. But in the end it is still up to you if Franchising is what you really want. Be wise and prosper!
Posted by
Vincer Vigilia
3:42 PM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Pinoy Money Talk
A few days a go I stumbled upon a site that is RICH in information about Business. Everyone starts from the bottom going to the top, right? well the people at PINOY MONEY TALK can greatly help you in terms of your financial queries.They are both friendly and wise when answering your every question and they will even suggest some alternatives that can help you when you want to rethink your business strategy.So don't waste your time running around the net, visit the site and you will never go wrong.
Posted by
Vincer Vigilia
4:35 PM